Friday 1 July 2016

30 Days Wild:Day 30 - Join Our Fight To Protect Hen Harriers


  Well it's the last day of the #30DaysWild Wildlife Trusts Challenge and what another fun month it has been.Not only for myself getting out more than usual but for being able to read through other peoples blogs and see what random "wild" acts have been done up and down the country.
  Unfortunately the last day coincided with my busiest work day so not much done besides catching up on more reading with Mike Dilgers book though I will be trying to continue beyond 30 Days with more wild activities.So for Day 30 I am going to share something I am passionate about, saving our Hen Harriers.

  You may have heard of an event called "Hen Harrier Day" organised by Birders Against Wildlife Crime, Mark Avery and some guy called Chris Packham.It's now in its third year and what started as a small idea from a few birders(namely Charlie Moores, Phil Walton & Lawrie Phipps) has now become numerous events around the UK attended by hundreds of people and supported by naturalists, MPs, Police forces, RSPB, Wildlife Trusts and a new generation of young birders/conservationists.
  Hen Harrier Day 2015 in Derbyshire

 With Chris

Mark Avery speaking.

With Henry

  Chris making another passionate speech on what needs to be done.

Hen Harrier supporters
  The very shortened version is that we just want the law to be upheld.Some landowners of shooting estates have got away with murdering our wildlife(in particular the Hen Harrier which has been a protected bird for over 60 years) just so they can have a larger number of Grouse to shoot when the "Inglorious" 12th arrives to announce the start of the shooting season.

  I could go on about intensive land management causing untold environmental damage, Defra's "Hen Harrier Action Plan" and Brood management scheme or the other wildlife such as Mountain Hares which are destroyed to to protect Grouse numbers but it would be better if someone would write a book about the whole issue, and someone did.........Dr Mark Avery.
 Buy his book "Inglorious" and read for yourself what travesties are happening on our uplands.

  The bottom line is we have enough suitable habitat to sustain 320 pairs of Hen Harriers in England, in 2015 we had 6 successful nests, this year we may have 3...........THREE!!
  Satellite tagged birds are still disappearing and bodies of others have been found to be shot, trapped or poisoned all in the vicinities of Grouse Moors. This HAS TO END!!

  To see a silver Male Hen Harrier hunting over a hillside is a  mesmerising and magical experience and one that our future generations should NOT be deprived of just to cater to some "rich" folk who want to shoot other birds for fun.

  If you want to show your support in protecting this magnificent Raptor then click on the link below to see if there is a Hen Harrier Day 2016 event near you.

  There are ones in London, Scotland, Derbyshire, Dorset, North East, North West & Northern Ireland all during the weekend of August 6th/7th with speakers such as Chris Packham, Mark Avery, Iolo Williams, Natalie Bennett and members of Wildlife Trusts and National Trust among others.I will be at Edale in the Peak District if anyone wants to come and meet up ;)

Some important sites to check out -

Petition to Ban Driven Grouse Shooting - 

Or follow these Twitter accounts to stay up to date - 


Thanks for reading and please support and help protect our stunning Raptors from illegal persecution and hope to see some of you in August :)


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